Big step yesterday in moving toward the cruising lifestyle. If you've been following my blog, you know that we already cut $350 a month out of our budget to save for a boat and build up a cruising kitty. Any extra bit of money goes into the kitty's. So far we are on track to save enough to buy a decent boat, but the cruising kitty has been slow going.
Sitting on the couch after work yesterday watching TV, I realized that we still had one huge savings opportunity, but had reluctant to cut the cord. The cable bill! I've called them before threatening to move to another service and they always gave me a slight reduction that lasted for a limited time. With a $170 to $210 a month fee for phone, tv, and internet, this was still a huge monthly expense and opportunity to build up the cruising kitty.
I went down to the local store and bought an outdoor rated digital antenna and hooked it up. $200 later (antenna, co-axial cables and hardware) I was watching TV the old fashion way, over an antenna. We are able to pick up 49 stations and after I raise the antenna I expect to get more.
Comcast got another call to "downgrade" service and we went from the full triple play to internet only. Ruth and I both have cell phones and there's little need for a land line anymore. We have realized an additional $90 per month savings and this is going directly into the cruising kitty. Things are moving along nicely.
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