
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spring Cleaning

It was time to do a little spring cleaning for the boat. I decided to change the color scheme a bit and painted the sides white instead of the old battle ship gray. After a bit of sanding I carefully put on the first coat using a brush. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake as it ran down the sides and left some rough spots. I needed to sand 3 more times to bring these down a bit and then used a roller for the final two coats. You can still see some runs underneath, but you have to look pretty carefully.

Since I had to pull the decals to paint, it was time to change the boat name. We never really liked "Sailohr" (imagine how I pronounced it) as it didn't mean anything to us and was the previous owners last name. Our granddaughter's nickname is the Turtle and one of our favorite bars in Key West is Turtle's Krawl. We enjoy the turtle races there and the new name is "Turtle's Krawl". It's going to be a  little bit silly having a renaming ceremony on Lake Nockamixon, but on launch day we will have an official renaming ceremony to appease Neptune. Here's some pictures of old versus new.

Old Colors

New Colors and Name

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